Case Studies

In 1973, a “new” concept and a new brand called PartyLite was introduced. Based in Norwell, MA, today PartyLite is the world’s #1 direct selling, party plan company selling candles, candleholders, flameless fragrance, and wax warmers, as well as holiday and home décor in 19 different countries.

Stella & Dot
We lent our expertise through Migration onto a new Magento platform and implementation of tools and features to support their unique direct sales business model.

Helping an iconic brand modernize their pioneering direct sales model of home party selling through a new Magento 2 platform.

Youngevity sought to bring the modern luxuries of e-commerce into a cohesive direct selling experience.

Matilda Jane Clothing
Matilda Jane Clothing sought to modernize the digital experience for their consultants.