Bringing a little whimsy to the direct selling experience

Matilda Jane Clothing sought to modernize the digital experience for their consultants.

What they needed

A custom shopping experience that brings joy to their network of home based direct sellers.

Matilda Jane needed flexibility in the deals offered to various personas in their network marketing model. They also wanted to bring joy by improving uptime.

Matilda Jane Clothing Party Invitation

What MW2 Delivered

MW2 Direct implementation with custom branding and advertizing features

In coordination with their marketing team, our experts crafted a solution designed to increase sales retention, please customers, and improve consultant outlook.

Successful Results

Custom design and solution development

Planning for release in 2021, We provided custom design tailored to their brand and younger audience.

E-commerce solution

Created to better support international engagement, even from markets where wifi is not widely available to all users.


A solution which can be implemented in different languages, currencies, and markets with our scalable framework.


Ability to implement custom requirements per market, and launch regular, stable, releases.

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